Goethe in the Skyways

Goethe Pop Up Minneapolis Goethe in the Skyways is a year-long program of artistic actions, interventions, and manifestations in public, semi-public, and private space in the frame of the “Year of German-American Friendship” initiative in 2018/19 in the US. It occupies a space in the city’s futuristic skyway system from October 2018 through October 2019.

Sandra Teitge, director of the Goethe Pop Up Minneapolis, invites artists to develop and present works specifically conceived for the Goethe in the Skyways space that challenge and question, (inter-)rupt and disturb the site and context-specific conditions of the skyway system, the city of Minneapolis, and the state of Minnesota, always in relation to national and international issues and debates.

  • Was für ein Tag! Ich trieb durch die Fußgängerzone
    Und war der tausendste Mann, den ein Team blonder Girls
    Für eine Werbeaktion ansprach. Ich war der elfte Kunde
    In der Boutique, der heute ein Hemd (taubenblau) kaufte.
    Das Gespenst im Schaufenster war ich. Die Spiegelung
    Gefiel mir, und ich machte ein Photo meines Schattens.

    Durs Grünbein, Dada.

  • The inhabitants would blow up the catwalks: This is a picture of anti-reason itself, of error, of thoughtlessness. Madness. And all the solutions come to the same thing: separation of traffic according to speed. The pedestrian, from now on, will be confined to raised walks build up above the street, while traffic lanes remain at their present ground level. Madness.

    Le Corbusier, Ville Radieuse, 1928.

  • Solche Denkmäler eines nicht mehr seins sind Passagen. Und die Kraft die in ihnen arbeitet, ist die Dialektik. Die Dialektik durchwühlt sie, revolutioniert sie, sie wälzt das oberste zu unterst, macht da sie nichts mehr von dem blieben was als der Name: Passagen, und: Passage du Panorama. Im Innersten dieser Namen arbeitet der Umsturz, darum halten wir eine Welt in den Namen der alten Strassen und nachts einen Strassennamen zu lesen kommt einer Verwunderung gleich.

    Walter Benjamin, Gesammelte Schriften, Band V.2, Das Passagen-Werk.

  • Conversely, the world within the interior complexes is, at best, private/public space organised overwhelmingly around the imperatives of consumption. The move from outside to inside is a passage between worlds. ‘Step from the wind and cold on the street outside into the new urban realm. As the glass doors firmly close, the mental realm changes. We are inside, contained, separate, part of the system, a consumer, a pursuer, a cruiser.’

    Trevor Boddy, ‘Underground and Overhead: Building the Analogous City’ in: Stephen Graham, Vertical.

  • The residualised street can, in turn, all too easily become ‘no more than a traffic sewer or refuge collection zone’ (Trevor Boddy) –a place inhabited by the marginalised groups excluded by the security guards and cameras that police the corporate, interior zone. (…) the air-conditioned interior skywalk cities will also exaggerate the urban heat-island problems.

    Stephen Graham, Vertical.

  • Quand tous les pâtés de maisons se trouvèrent ainsi percés de galeries occupant … leur premier étage, il n’y eut plus qu’à réunir ces tronçons épars les uns aux autres, de manière à en constituer un réseau … embrassant toute l’étendue de la ville. C’est ce qu’on fit aisément en établissant sur chaque rue des ponts couverts… Des ponts tout sembles, mais beaucoup plus longs, furent jetés de même sur les divers boulevards, sur les places et sur les ponts qui traversent la Seine, de façon … qu’un promeneur pouvait parcourir toute la cité sans jamais se mettre à découvert… Dès que les Parisiens eurent goûté aux nouvelles galeries, ils ne voulurent plus mettre le pied dans les anciens rues qui, disaient-ils, n’étaient plus bonnes que pour les chiens.” – Tony Moilin: Paris en l’an 2000, Paris, 1869.

    Walter Benjamin, Gesammelte Schriften, Band V.2, Das Passagen-Werk.

  • Impressed by the emerging modernist experiments in Europe, North American master planners in the 1960s also embraced the idea of the multilevel city as a radical means of renewing and decongesting decaying urban cores so they could accommodate mass automobile use and compete with the burgeoning malls in the suburbs.

    Stephen Graham, Vertical.

  • The Phalanx has no outside streets or open road-ways exposed to the elements. All the portions of the central edifice can be traversed by means of a wide gallery which runs along the second floor on the whole building. At each extremity of this spacious corridor there are elevated passages, supported by columns, and also attractive underground passages which connect all the parts of the Phalanx and the adjoining buildings.

    Charles Fourier, “Street-Galleries” in Utopian City, 1822

  • Die Passage (…) [ist] nur angetan, die Begierde zu wecken. Weil in dieser Strasse die Säfte stocken, wuchert die Waren an ihren Rändern und geht phantastische Verbindungen wie die Gewebe in Geschwüren ein. – Der Flaneur sabotiert den Verkehr. Er ist auch nicht Käufer. Er ist Ware.

    Walter Benjamin, Gesammelte Schriften, Band V.1, Das Passagen-Werk.

  • Among the innovations which have transformed North American cities in the past 40 years, the development of discrete, grade-separated pedestrian networks in the downtown core areas is surely one of the most remarkable … The idea of an interior city from which one might never need to step outdoors, is on the point of realisation in a score of locations across the continent.

    Barry Maitland, ‘Hidden Cities: The Irresistible Rise of the North American Interior City’ in: Cities 9:3, 1992.

Visit Us!

  • City Center, Skyway Level
  • 40 South 7th Street, Suite 208
  • Minneapolis, MN 55402
  • Map